Let's keep going!
1/5 completed
Hide 1 completed
Verify email
We trust you are who you say you are, really, but we’d like to make sure you are happy with the email account you’ve chosen for Space.
Connect web store
We love having you here with us and all. Why don’t you connect your web store so your products are in Space too?
Sign contract
We are almost pen pals by now. Commit to our terms & conditions too, and send items to our warehouse.
Check company details
Send us some shipment, we’ll take care of it like it’s our own, and keep everything ready to send for your first sell.
Transfer your first products
Send us some shipment, we’ll take care of it like it’s our own, and keep everything ready to send for your first sell.
Your Space at glance
Last 7 days
Finish the onboarding there will be data here, 100% automagically
Latest orders
No orders yet…
When your first orders come in, they will show up here